There are several retail fees associated with the sale of electricity to residential and small business customers. These are known as the retailer’s fees and charges which you are required to pay under your contract.
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list of all the fees you might need to pay.
Flow Power may pass on any charges imposed by third parties, which may include fees related to the supply of electricity to your address, miscellaneous charges from your distributor or any merchant fees imposed by banks.
These charges will be clearly listed on your bill. Please note that all fees mentioned here are subject to change as per your contract.
All fees mentioned here include GST.
Contract terms and conditions apply.
Flow Power may apply the following fees to maintain your account as required:
May apply depending on the credit card you use to pay your bill.
We are happy to provide you with copies of your past Flow Power bills. We may charge you for any costs incurred by us related to retrieving this information
If a government, regulator or network distributor varies or introduces a fee, charge or tax, we may pass through all or part of this varied or new fee, charge or tax to you.
The charges for network-related services may include our reasonable costs for arranging such services.
We will work with you to install or upgrade your smart meter by an agreed-upon date.
The installation of a smart meter depends on the following pre-conditions:
If you have signed up to Flow Power with a basic meter, we will initiate the meter upgrade process as soon as we become financially responsible for your site and your cooling-off period has ended.
The meter upgrade will be completed within approx. 60 days of your upgrade request.
We will pass on any distributor fees for meter upgrades where applicable.
If you’re moving into a new home, you may need to pay some fees for the connection or disconnection of your electricity. These fees are charged by the energy network distributor in your area.
Flow Power collects these fees on behalf of the distributor and the charges will appear on your electricity bill.
There are five types of connection fees you may be charged.
Reconnection fees apply when the property you’re moving into has been disconnected. Your distributor will need to reconnect the electricity supply before you move in. A reconnection fee will also apply if your electricity has been disconnected due to failure to meet payment due dates. Reconnection will occur within 3 business days of notice*.
Disconnection fees apply when you need to disconnect the electricity at your old property. Disconnecting your electricity supply ensures you don’t pay any ongoing electricity costs for your old property. Disconnection will occur within 4 business days of notice*.
Special meter read fees apply when a meter needs to be manually read as per your request.
Solar meter reconfiguration fees apply when replacing or reconfiguring your electricity meter to record the solar energy generation.
Flow Power currently does not charge for remote move in/reconnection or remote special meter reads.
Remote move in/reconnection and remote special meter read occur when the distributor can perform the required work without having to physically visit your home. Remote work is only possible for homes with smart meters.
*To request a reconnection or disconnection, we kindly ask for a minimum of three days’ notice. Please refer to the Fees & Charges table for the corresponding fees associated with your request.
Moving home? Read our moving checklist guide.