Get a quote in 2 minutes!

How many people
live in your house? Estimates are based on usage

Average usage of #KWH# kWh/month (based on a 30 day month)

Average usage of #KWH# kWh/month (based on a 30 day month)

Average usage of #KWH# kWh/month (based on a 30 day month)

Does your home have solar panels?

Flow Home uses a dynamic feed-in tariff that is impacted by how efficiently you export electricity generated from home. This quoting tool does not currently incorporate your FiT.

Your estimated bill

$120/ month

Monthly estimated costs are based on industry data for your area and may not be a true reflection of your individual monthly energy usage. The costs provided are incl. GST based on usage of #USAGE# on a #TARIFF# tariff in the #DISTRIBUTOR# network and including an average Price Efficiency Adjustment.

Your household usage may vary. Costs exclude your individual Price Efficiency Adjustment, controlled load charges, solar payments, concessions and bonuses.


Below the
reference VDO

The Victorian Default Offer is a reference price set by the Victorian Goverment to serve as a reference point when comparing electricity prices.



GreenPower certified plans allow you to contribute to the clean energy transition, no matter who you are. A 100% GreenPower certified energy plan means that 100% of your energy usage will be matched with energy from one of our renewable energy generators

The Price Efficiency Adjustment

Our unique pricing model adjusts the cost of your electricity based on wholesale prices.

When you consistently use energy during lower wholesale price periods, which tend to be caused by larger amounts of renewable generation, you could receive a cost reduction on your bill.

Using energy outside of these periods could have a negative impact on your Price Efficiency Adjustment (PEA).

Smart energy tools included in every plan

Flow Hub

See what your home electricity usage is in real-time. The Flow Hub sends your live data straight to your app.

Flow Power app

See how efficiently you’re using power and what changes you can make to become more price efficient.

Smart Plug

Connect an appliance you wish to control remotely to the Smart plug, and then use your app to turn it on and off.

Your bill breakdown

Estimated monthly cost
Monthly cost based on average estimated energy usage in your area, including an average PEA.
$120/mo incl. GST
Price comparison
A price cap set by energy regulators as the maximum amount energy retailers can charge for a standing offer.
13% below ref price
GreenPower included
All Flow Power plans come with 100% certified GreenPower by default.
Usage rate (Peak)
Cost you will be charged for every kWh of energy used, before your PEA.
Usage rate (Off-peak)
Cost you will be charged for every kWh of energy used, before your PEA. Off-peak rates only apply to customers on a Time of Use tariff.
Tariff type
Your tariff determines how you're charged for your electricity use. Your tariff type is set by your distributor network.
Single rate
Single rate
Time of use
Solar feed-in tariff
A Solar Feed-in Tariff (FiT) is a creit you can recieve for any unused electricity sent back to the grid.
Tools and tech
All Flow Power plans come with tools and tech enabling you to monitor, manage and optimise your home’s energy usage.
All bills will be sent by email, unless specifically requested.
Payment method
Flow Power only accepts automated direct debts via bank account or credit card.
Direct debit
Account access
Secure access to our user-friendly app, to see your bills, monitor your energy use and track your live performance.
via app
Your distributor owns and manages the distribution of electricity in your area and is responsible for all the 'poles and wires'.
Fixed supply term
No lock-in contracts, leave any time.
Daily supply charge
Your daily supply charge is a fixed daily amount the distribution network that looks after your area charges for their services.

Monthly estimated costs are based on industry data for your area and may not be a true reflection of your individual monthly energy usage. The estimated costs provided are inclusive of GST , an average Price Efficiency Adjustment and are based on typical usage in your postcode, with regular usage on weekdays, afternoons and evenings.

Your household usage may vary. Costs exclude your individual Price Efficiency Adjustment, controlled load charges, solar payments, concessions and bonuses.

We respect your privacy. For more information on how we use your email address and other information, read our privacy policy.

Start powering
change today

Help us grow the number of Aussie homes that are powered by 100% GreenPower sun and wind energy. Sign up to Flow Home via the Flow Power app.


We’re currently piloting Flow Home with Victorian households.

If you are interested in joining us and you live outside Victoria, please register your interest via our form and we’ll be on contact when the plan is available in your area.