Building long-term sustainability for the University of Canberra - Flow Power

Building long-term sustainability for the University of Canberra

Helping the University of Canberra plan for its future as a resilient, sustainable campus

Case study overview:

Committed to the pursuit of the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility, the University of Canberra plans for its future as a resilient, sustainable campus.

“Environmental sustainability affects everyone at UC — students, staff, and members of our wider community. It is only by working together and accepting our personal responsibility for stewardship of the earth’s resources that we will achieve our environmental sustainability goals.”

– University of Canberra on its sustainability initiatives

Canberra, ACT
Service provided
Energy strategy and feasibility
Long-term sustainability and resilience

A campus to stand the test of time


Flow Power’s advisory team helped the University of Canberra set its placemaking strategy for future decades, by reimagining its campus in the context of energy and sustainability challenges and opportunities.

What we delivered

After studying the University’s plans and existing infrastructure, we created an integrated plan to address all aspects of energy and sustainability, focusing on practical, cost-effective delivery.

The study considered the feasibility and financial benefits of energy efficiency, strategic restructuring of energy sources, renewables, water-sensitive urban design, water treatment and many other aspects.

University of Canberra Case Study

More about the project

Our assessments

The project assessed alternative commercial models, technology and procurement options for the university to unlock value for the existing and future infrastructure, including a planned residential and commercial precinct.

Risk and cost analysis

We looked at these various options, as well as lifetime costs and benefits in financial, carbon and amenity terms. Part of this work was a robust cost benefit study, risk assessment and carbon reduction assessment for each option.

The results

Flow Power’s energy strategy will help the University continue to increase the efficiency of its operations, in terms of both cost and carbon emissions.

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