How this winemaker became Green Company of the Year
Case study overview
Pernod Ricard Winemakers are reaching their sustainability goals, saving money and increasing their energy efficiency.
“This is an excellent example of how we can make sustainability processes sustainable for business.”
– Robert Taddeo, Pernod Ricard Winemakers Operations Director
Cost reduction and sustainability goal support
In 2016 Pernod Ricard Winemakers joined Flow Power, after looking to change their energy strategy to reduce their risk of rising energy prices.
In the same year, the company installed its first pilot 100kW solar installation in the Barossa Valley to support its sustainability goals.
Since then, they have expanded their energy portfolio and joined the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) program to be rewarded for their electricity network.
By 2019, the business had installed 3MW of solar on-site, covering 20% of its total site energy use, and matching the rest of its electricity use with a mix of solar and wind via Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).
By sourcing or matching all of their electricity use from renewable energy sources, Pernod Ricard Winemakers is supporting their global sustainability goals:
- Reach net zero in own operations by 2030.
- Work towards halving overall carbon footprint by 2030.
Their progress toward reducing carbon intensity has positioned Pernod Ricard Winemakers as a sustainability leader.
In 2019 they were awarded “Green Company of the Year” by Drinks Business, x4 SAWIA Environmental Excellence awards and recognised as a UN Global Compact LEAD Company.
Pernod Ricard Winemakers estimates that they have made significant savings on their energy bills over three years (2017-2019), by accessing and utilising the wholesale electricity price with Flow Power. Additionally, by matching their use and linking their energy supply to low-cost renewable electricity through its PPAs they have unlocked value from their energy.
The business has now installed an onsite Thermal Energy Storage system for even greater energy efficiency.
Their move to utlise wholesale electricity prices instead of flat fixed rates, required change, particularly for the operational managers, who manage around 50-60% of the business’s energy usage.
While initially, the operations staff found the idea quite “interruptive”, once the benefits were clear they enthusiastically engaged.
The key concept was that this change would benefit all departments.
Finance explained to each key manager that they wouldn’t be penalised for staying on during a high-price event but they could save on budget for shutting down for a few hours.
“Our journey began in 2016 with a pilot solar installation after we recognised that we had a huge opportunity across our wineries to harness the power of the sun through solar panels. Three years later, we are exceptionally proud to say that we are now sourcing or matching all electricity used from renewable sources in alignment with our global ambition.”
– Brett McKinnon, Pernod Ricard Winemakers Chief Operating Officer
Could a Power Purchase Agreement could work for your business?
Speak to one of Flow Power’s friendly energy specialists today.