Set yourself up for demand response success this summer.
Traditionally, cost savings through energy management has amounted to volume reduction but more sophisticated users know, it’s not just about how much you use but also, when you use it that counts. This is where demand response can be extremely valuable, especially if you buy energy through the wholesale market.
Demand response is a team effort and to be successful, everyone involved needs to know the plan. Knowing the who, what, when, where and hows makes for a stress-free demand response action plan, getting the best results from your response to events.
What you do in the next four weeks will set you up to succeed over summer. That’s why we’ve outlined three steps to empower your teams to achieve demand response success this summer.
Explain how the business will use demand response
It’s one thing to create a team, but another to create teamwork. Teams need to know why your organisation is getting involved in demand response and more importantly, how they will work together when energy market events happen.
Communication is key. Decision-makers in the business need to let the teams on the frontline of demand response know what impact their actions will have on the business – that can be anyone from operations through to facilities managers.
This will mean assigning primary and secondary responders at each site and identifying which plants these owners will be responsible if the time comes to act.
Explain the value of demand response for your business
It’s very likely that your team’s success may be measured on KPIs that look at productivity, efficiency or some other form of output. So, doing demand response may feel counter intuitive to your team, especially if it leads to a partial or full pause on operations.
Demand response can deliver up to 30% in savings on energy costs and at minimum 5%, depending on your business’s ability to respond. It’s important that your team knows the value of demand response and are empowered to celebrate when they succeed.
Explain how demand response will work
Energy strategies like demand response, means thinking differently about how and when you use power. That doesn’t mean it needs to be overly difficult or time intensive.
If your team is new to demand response, a training session or workshop is key to helping them understand where demand response fits into their day-to-day schedules and how it is actioned. Why not bring your team together for a mock demand response event? This is a great way to see first-hand what they may experience and how everyone’s efforts matter.
The next month is crucial for businesses to prepare their demand response systems to be ready for the summer. If you’re a Flow Power customer, your account manager will be in touch to discuss your demand response strategy.
We’ll also be sharing our newly created Demand Response Framework to give you the tools to engage team members and ensure your demand response processes are embedded across your business.
Any questions? We’re here to help.
If you’re interested in learning more about demand response, our friendly team are always available for a chat.
If you’re an existing Flow Power customer, please do not hesitate to reach out to your account manager.
If you’re not a Flow Power customer contact our friendly team today:
? 1300 08 06 08 (within business hours)
?️ Live chat message (within business hours via the chat button at the bottom of your screen)
Alternatively, you can submit your questions through our website contact form here.