The Active Option explained
Take the guesswork out of timing your next energy contract
Wondering when it’s the ‘right’ time to sign a new energy contract?
You’re not alone. It can be tough to make the call, especially as a busy business owner.
It’s hard to find the time to shop around and ensure you’re getting the best deal – even more so if you’re faced with a contract ending in the near future.
So, what do you do?
The energy market is volatile, and contracting at the wrong time could mean missing out on a better price. Or worse – holding off on contracting could mean you’re stuck with a high price for years to come.
This is why Flow Power developed the Active Option contract feature.
What is the Active Option?
The Active Option is a Power Active contract feature – unique to Flow Power.
Put simply: the Active Option lets you lock in a base rate, with the power to pay less if rates on the market fall.
Say goodbye to guesswork and contract with confidence knowing we’ll automatically lower your rate to ensure you’ve got the best deal possible.
Lock in a competitive rate at the time of contracting, with the potential to improve your price in the future.
How does the Active Option work?
We’ve got a dedicated team at Flow Power monitoring the ASX Energy Futures market. This is how we provide the Active Option.
If the market rates for your contract period fall, we’ll automatically move you to the lower rate. That means, regardless of when you contract, you won’t miss out on a better price in the future if the market changes.
However, if market rates increase, you won’t be subject to price spikes. You’ll simply pay the rates that you set at the beginning of your contract – it’s a win-win.
How much does the Active Option cost?
To opt-in for the Active Option, we’ll charge a small access-fee to your rate the year the Active Option is applied.
The fee fluctuates and is a function of the volatility in the market, and the time until the option expires.
Generally, most businesses find this is a small price to pay to access potentially large savings if the energy market changes in the future.
So, why take the chance?
Get in touch for a quote to access the Active Option for your business.
When does the Active Option apply?
The Active Option can apply to any full financial or calendar year period of your contract, assuming you sign six weeks before the start of the first year.
Signing later than this means the Active Option may only be applied to the later years of your contract (e.g. the second and third years of a three-year contract).
We recommend getting in early to ensure you get the best deal.
See the Active Option in action
At Flow Power, we’re committed to demystifying the energy industry through transparency, education and real results.
So, don’t just take our word for it. Check out these results from our customers saving with the Active Option, on a Power Active energy plan.
Check out the real energy data
Here’s some real data to show you how the energy market moves and how the Active Option can help you get the best energy price outcomes.
Take a look at the below chart showing the Australian Power Index Eastern (APIE) from January 2020 until December 2021.
You’ll notice in December 2021:
- Prices were elevated compared to the previous 2 years
- Prices were at $70/MWh
- The 2-year high was around $82/MWh (12% off the 2 year high)
But, if you look below at the five-year chart, prices were still 42% below the five-year high.
As shown in the graphs, the energy market can be extremely volatile and often unpredictable, with many different influencing factors.
So, what can you do?
Keep your options open with Flow Power’s Active Option feature.
Got a question?
We’re here to help. Get in touch with one of our energy specialists now to learn more.
Contract with confidence knowing you’re getting the best deal for your business.
Talk to an energy specialist now.