Listen in to learn how the team at Flow Power can help you find energy and cost saving opportunities big and small.

Some of the key points discussed during the webinar include:

  • What is Energy Ready?
  • What opportunities are there to look for?
  • Case Study

Some of the questions answered during the webinar include:

  • What is Power Factor and what are the saving opportunities?
  • What can a winery do to reduce demand?
  • Do I need a generator to participate in Demand Response

Watch the webinar for a detailed discussion on all these points and you can also get in touch with one of our energy specialists to understand what are the best options for your business.

Questions about Energy Ready? We’re here to help.

If you’re a Flow Power customer already, please reach out to your dedicated Client Solutions Manager.

If you’re not a Flow Power customer contact our friendly team today:

  • 1300 08 06 08 (within business hours)
  • Live chat message (within business hours via the chat button at the bottom of your screen)

Alternatively, you can submit your questions through our website contact form here.