At first glance, Tricia Lorenzo’s journey with Flow Power begins with a chance encounter at an energy conference.

But dig deeper and luck had nothing to do with it. Fueled by social responsibility, Tricia is drawn to businesses that make the world a better place.

This is Tricia’s Flow Power story. And we’re only a few chapters in.

Note: As of 2024, Tricia’s role has transformed to General Manager New Product Integration at Flow Power.

Directing her career with purpose

After working across industries and continents, Tricia knew what she was good at: growing businesses. And she knew the type of business she wanted to grow: one with a clear and measurable positive impact on the world.

It was time to align the two.

In 2018 she saw Matthew van der Linden, Flow Power CEO, speak at a Sydney conference.

“I was blown away by Matthew’s vision. He knew that involving and educating customers – who make energy decisions every day – was essential to transition the energy market towards renewables,” Tricia recalls.

“I met him afterwards and told him: I’d love to help you grow your business . I need to work for you.”

Growing with Flow

Tricia joined as Flow Power’s Senior Solutions Manager, soon securing major renewable contracts with Snack Brands, the City of Sydney and the City of Newcastle. Within 18 months, she’d helped grow the Sydney office from just herself to 15 people.

“It doesn’t matter where you are or what you do. At Flow Power, you have the freedom and guidance to shape your career and make an impact from wherever you sit.”

Tricia then went on to lead two divisions: sales and marketing. The marketing team educates the market while the sales team engages new customers – and both support people to do energy better.

Since filming Tricia’s career video in March 2022, her role has transformed. As of June 2022 Tricia became Flow Power’s Head of Strategic Growth, rising to the challenge and taking the company to new, exciting and market changing territory.

In 2024, Tricia’s role continued to evolve, as she stepped into the new role of General Manager New Product Integration.

What Tricia brings to the (boardroom) table

While Tricia remains vocal on sustainability issues, she knows her skill can be geared towards campaigning for conservation or renewables in more places than a climate change rally. Tricia’s strengths lie in combining her commercial nous and passion for renewables to appeal to a company’s triple bottom line.

“Companies want to do the right thing. Put me in a board room and let me walk the executives through how their money is being spent – and wasted – on energy under the old models. Let me show them the incredible impact they can have on our future, simply by buying energy in a different way. They are the ones at the nexus of this change making, they can take tangible steps towards real climate action simply in how they buy energy.”

What’s in store for the road ahead?

Tricia wants to continue promoting renewables and for Flow Power to be known as the go-to workplace where changemakers can make a positive impact.

“I’ve got my sights set on scaling and strengthening our presence in the market. I want Flow Power to be where customers turn to, to break out of the status quo, to use their buying power to create a market that benefits them, making the energy market cleaner and cheaper for all.”

And her advice for professionals wanting to accelerate their career path and Australia’s energy transition?

“Find your mission, take what you’re good at, and get to work.”

We’re on the lookout for curious creators and clean energy champions.

If you’re serious about making a difference and renewable energy, please send your resume to

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